The Water Resource Center
Alkaline Water and Reproduction in Rats -
Effect of Alkaline Ionized Water on Reproduction in Gestational and Lactational Rats
Animal Versus Vegetable Protein and Bone Loss -
Dietary Animal Protein Increases the Rate of Bone Loss and Risk of Fracture in Postmenopausal Women
Clinical Improvements Obtained from Intake of Reduced Water (Ionized Water) -
Includes diabetes, circulation, gangrene, cholesterol, tumors, Crohn's disease, hyperbilirubinemia and more...
Dietary Protein and Bone Health -
Dietary Protein Content and the Diet's Net Acid Load: Opposing Effects on Bone Health (1,2)
Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water and Burn Wounds -
Effect of Electrolyzed Oxidizing Water and Hydrocolloid Occlusive Dressings on Excised Burn Wounds in Rats
Electrolyzed Reduced Water and DNA -
Electrolyzed Reduced Water Scavenges Active Oxygen Species and Protects DNA from Oxidative Damage
Greater Bone Mineral Density from Fruits and Vegetables -
Potassium, Magnesium, and Fruit and Vegetable Intakes are Associated with Greater Bone Mineral Density in the Elderly
Healthy Bones and Children -
Long-Term Protein Intake and Dietary Potential Renal Acid Load are Associated with Bone Modeling and Remodeling at the Proximal Radius in Healthy Children
Microclustered Water Study -
Clinical Study Results Showing Microclustered, Hexagonal Water Hydration Improvement in Type 2 Diabetics
Non-carbonic Acid Production and Bone Health -
Lower Estimates of Net Endogenous Non-carbonic Acid Production are Positively Associated with Indexes of Bone Health in Premenopausal and Perimenopausal Women
Physiological Effects of Alkaline Ionized Water -
Effects on Metabolites Produced by Intestinal Fermentation
Reduced Hemodialysis by Electrolyzed Reduced Water -
Reduced Hemodialysis-Induced Oxidative Stress in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients by Electrolyzed Reduced Water
The Use of Alkaline Water on Dairy Farms -
Reports from 27 Dairy Farms Using Alkaline Water